KXP TYPE (Ultra High Discharge Rate Cells)
KXP Series Ultra high rate nickel cadmium battery which made of sintered plate is characterized
by compact construction, low internal resistance, high reliability, high capacity, long service life and excellent low temperature performance. The battery is suitable for ultra high rate discharging such as AGV, engine starting, switch tripping and closing and any special purpose.

KHP TYPE (High Discharge Rate Cells)
KHP Series High rate nickel cadmium battery is made of pocket plate with the characteristics of
thin plate, High porosity and low internal resistance. The battery is particular suitable for short discharge periods such as switchgear tripping and closing, ups, etc.

KMP TYPE (Medium Discharge Rate Cells)
KMP Series Medium rate nickel cadmium battery is made of pocket plate. The battery is suitable for medium discharge periods between 30minutes and 5hours such as stand-by for ups, gas turbine control, etc.

KLP TYPE (Low Discharge Rate Cells)
KLP Series Low rate nickel-cadmium battery is made of pocket plate. The battery is designed for general purpose and stand-by applications such as lighting on train and operation of circuit breaker, etc.

Recomended Type Selection of Semicad Series
-according to back up time-

MODEL Discharge rate Plate type Application
KXP Ultra High Discharge rate sintered plate AGV, gas turbine generator, engine starting, operating/control of computer system,s transportation networks, airport, etc.
KHP High Discharge rate pocket plate engine starting, UPS (up to30mins), operation and control of DC motor, water treatment plants, etc.
KMP Medium Discharge rate pocket plate UPS(over30min), railway DC power sources, auxiliary power sources for power stations, chemical plants, oil refineries, iron works.
KLP Low Discharge rate pocket plate emergency lighting, telecommunications, operation of communication equipment on a ship, lighting and air conditioner control on a train.